“Mihai was able to identify one of my blocks and released it within the first 30 minutes. The process was very simple, quick and powerful. I am really grateful for Mihai and I can now move forward with confidence that I am on track.”


Expert In Marketing Strategy


Mihai Andrei

Mihai is a QiGong teacher, Angel Empowerment Practitioner and Healer, the founder of the Soul Purpose Matrix as well as a passionate management professional in high tech positioning. He helps heart-centered entrepreneurs who are starting their business or stuck in the starting stages to manifest a successful business with programs, products and services aligned with the founder’s purpose from an intuitive direction.

Mihai has been practicing and teaching QiGong and various disciplines of energy work for the past 15 years. Coupled with his decade of engineering and management experience, he believes in a balanced lifestyle, engaging every part of the human being, logic and intuition alike. He is passionate about helping others find and align with their purpose and has an innate ability to draw it out. This has led to starting the Soul Purpose Matrix and creating a systematized process to help small business owners grow more profitable and get results consistently.

As a business owner, you are among a team who dares to seek your highest potential, embrace change, take aligned action and accept only fulfilment in life. I am excited and honored to work with you.


We embody our values and live our learnings. This is what enables us to share and be in service to you.

#1. Honesty

The #1 priority, especially since we are in the realm of guidance. We are open and honest about absolutely everything.


We are here to get you results and help you succeed. Your highest interest is our focus.


Healing and inner work is a core part of developing a business and our process. We create an environment of safety and positivity.


We say what we do and do what we say. We follow through with what we set out to achieve, with patience and focus.


We want you to succeed. That’s why we put hundreds of hours into researching what system will work best for YOU.


We’ve seen the fake get-rich ads online. Mihai started this business out of his passion for energy work, helping others manifest their purpose-driven vision, perform at their best and most importantly, get results.


Complete confidentiality is assured. We will never push you to do or buy anything. We will only focus on your highest and best interest.


Why the Name?

A Matrix is a grouping of elements that work together to form a specifically ordered set. The set is greater than the sum of each element. The pursuit of our purpose is a lifelong journey of growth. There are many elements: health, wisdom, wealth, love and more. Business is a core element of living your purpose. It combines fulfilment and financial abundance; it impacts our growth and awareness on every level of life. Impact one element in the matrix… the rest will also grow.

Why the Logo?

The symbol is called The Gateway of Peace. It guides its wielder to the vibration of peace. This is the vibration from which true success and purpose flows. Peace is the state that allows us to transcend survival and safety needs and – like a springboard – move on to being Creative and accessing our ability to make a massive positive impact in the world. This is why you will always see the Gateway of Peace on our materials.